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015 | Assess Progress During Times of Rest

015 | Assess Progress During Times of Rest

Let’s dive into the raw reality of where I stand: I've gained 5 pounds, my home resembles a construction zone, my body aches from stress, and migraines have become all too familiar. Amidst the chaos of dealing with the aftermath of a home repair ordeal spanning from March to April, my initial instinct is to perceive this as a setback. However, I’m choosing a different perspective. I'm taking this moment to step back, evaluate my current situation, and chart a course forward, even in the midst of displacement.

Reflecting on the foundational pillars of my journey, from health and wellness to financial independence, personal growth, and more, I'm confronting both progress and areas for improvement. Despite the challenges and after a weeklong break, I'm committed to setting short-term, attainable goals for the coming weeks as we navigate this temporary disruption to our routine. Join me as I embrace the journey with renewed purpose, determined to find progress even in moments of rest.

Where I am in the Original Pillars of My Journey

Health and Wellness

  1. Fatigue: I have found that a combination of less TV, more stretching, and cherry juice helps me get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly... currently my only issue is this is not saving me from emotional fatigue.
  2. Headaches & inflammation: These are back due to stress and a lack of sticking to the things that were working before like less inflammatory foods and more fermented foods
  3. Weight: up 5 pounds, but my muscle mass is up too.
  4. Exploring nutritious and delicious recipes: I love bowls where I can increase fiber and protein, up flavor, and lower our sugar. Also, I am loving fresh fruit and cocoa still, but I should make this easier so I fall back to it more often.  We are way up on fruits and veggies and have even gotten into a routine of adding legumes and more whole grains. It has also been fun to see my family grow in the variety of vegetables, grains, and fruits over the last few months.
  5. Regular exercise: I have improved tons here and want to improve more in the future by reducing the friction.
  6. Mental well-being: I have been blogging and making art (I even started a new painting last week to help encourage my stress relief through painting.)

Financial Independence

  1. Budgeting: The budget has helped us not lose sight of our goals even as we have to maintain our homes in ways we never imagined or foresaw.
  2. Saving and investing: on pause and currently we will have to focus on rebuilding our emergency fund before we return to our original goals here.(Note: we spoke to someone wiser than us last week to discuss where we are and what we should or can do. This is a reminder and encouragement for you to seek out wise and trusted advice before making large decisions and while it is still easy to pivot)
  3. Sharing practical tips for families aiming to achieve financial stability: I have not blogged too much about finances, but I hope to soon and I will keep this goal for sure.

Personal Growth and UI/UX Design

  1. UI/UX design: I have grown through the website experience, mentoring, and taking online courses over the last few months. I have solidified that this is a passion of mine and a career I enjoy and I have been sharing more of this process in my portfolio and on Social Media.

Language Learning, Travel, and Montessori-Like Time

  1. Language learning: I have started and failed my duo lingo streak 3 times in three months, I have spoken more Spanish, and I have not missed an opportunity to improve my Hungarian by being social in local meet-up groups.
  2. Travel: Since November, when I started fleshing out these goals, we have the Fortworth Museum of Art, the Forbidden Forest, Galveston, Houston, Central Texas,  seen a full Solar eclipse, and bought tickets to Paris.
  3. Montessori-like approach to education: Not a home, not near the library, and not in a routine... whew I am not doing hot here. We are still teaching that it is important to put away each toy and to play independently for short spurts of time (5-15 min.)

Where I can Improve When I am Not Home

Over the next 2-4 weeks we will not be home, we will have guests, and life will still move forward. So, after discussing this as a family, we’ve decided to walk 3 times a week and cut down on refined sugar. The first step, remove the temptations of sweets from the home and planning times to walk as a family.

Wrapping it Up

In the midst of chaos and upheaval, I've taken a moment to assess where I stand on this journey, recognizing both areas of progress and opportunities for growth. Despite setbacks and challenges, I'm choosing to approach this period of rest as an opportunity to recalibrate and set new, achievable goals. From prioritizing health and wellness to navigating financial stability and pursuing personal growth, each pillar of my journey holds its own challenges and victories. As I continue to navigate this temporary disruption to my routine, I'm committed to embracing the journey with renewed purpose and determination. Join me as I strive for progress, even in moments of rest, and pursue a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Here's to a journey of purpose, progress, and a life well-lived.
